On Saturday night after the outreach for Focus, we went to another church who was having a 'college night'. Kevin spoke about Christ being our treasure. Afterwards we went outside and they had a 'party on the patio' with tons of fajitas. We ate and then played games with the kids. Red Rover, Duck,Duck, Goose and Freeze tag. It was fun running around with the kids and as being the 'mom' of our group, I am really proud that the students aren't too cool to get down and play with the kids, and they actually really enjoyed it.
Then after a bit we all migrated to the parking lot on the other side of the church where some guys were playing basketball. We started playing knockout [or bump as we refer to it in Ohio ;)] there were like 30 people playing and this little ten year old kid kept getting us all out. :( It was really fun anyways.
After I got out of the game, I was sitting on the sidelines talking to a few of the students and one of them was talking about playing another game and said that we should do a sports/game night for BSM. It was really cool hearing that from him because he is not one of our core members, and he is not even a believer, yet he put himself as one of us.
And there are times that I feel that maybe we are not doing enough. We are not seeing hundreds of kids come to Christ, maybe we are doing something wrong, and then I realize that is very arrogant thinking. God will do whatever He wants and He may even use us, but maybe we will never see to what extent He uses us and that might be for the sole purpose that we do not become proud and think that we could do this all by ourselves.
Our theme this semester has been, "We will do nothing that we can take credit for". God does the work, we simply make ourselves available. And when we have done that, we believe that God will do things.
And we pray.
We pray for God to work in the lives of the students, to grow them, that they might seek to glorify Him through their lives. That we would love them with His love, with no strings attached, but that our love for them would be genuine and an outpouring of our love for Him.
So this is the BSM in a nutshell.
We appreciate your prayers for us that we would be open to God's leading, that He would open doors for us and that we would go serve Him with all of our hearts.