I was a student at the Baptist University of the Americas. Studying to earn by BA in Biblical Theological Studies. I wanted to serve God. I didn't know how or why or where or when, I just believed that He had called me to serve; so the best step for me was to go to Bible school to prepare.
Then my lovely twin leaves to Bolivia for a whole year to work with children. I was kind of jealous--that is what I wanted to do, but I had to finish school. I guess in my mind, to 'be a missionary' you have to go to a far away country and learn another language. So, even though I was in Bible school, I still had a lot to learn!
But, I graduated anyways... I knew that I wanted to work in ministry and looked through many positions which all fell through. So I worked two temporary full-time jobs at a Western store and Subway. Over 70 hours a week in jobs that I knew would not last for long. I prayed that God would give me a job and would wait and wait to get phone calls. Finally in the end of July I found an opening on the BGCT Website that they were looking for a full-time intern to work with the Baptist Student Ministry at the University of Texas, San Antonio. I loved being involved in campus ministry my first two years at community college, so I decided to submit my resume.
I told my friend Belkys about it and was kind of excited about the possibility. She told me that she knew the director's wife and wrote a letter to the director. I don't know what she said, but the next day I got a call from the BGCT and they asked if I could have an interview the following day.
I had two interviews and then I waited. I quit both jobs before I had the official word; I guess I just knew that the internship was going to work out. But all together I think within two weeks I was on the job. I didn't have any idea what to expect and boy, has it been a ride.
God has taught me probably 500x more in this context than in any course I took in college. However, I am so grateful for that foundation that I received.
Kevin is a wonderful man of God who has been such a tremendous teacher and encourager. I learn a lot from Him and am so grateful that God has brought him to UTSA to lead the BSM.
Here are some of the tremendous blessings that God allows Kevin and I to work with everyday. These kids are so great! We get to encourage, challenge and love them and in turn we are encouraged, challenged and they even love us ;) We are so blessed.
I have ten billion stories that I would love to share about the BSM; about 'my kids,' about things that we have seen Him do, about things He has taught me... I just don't know where to start. So, I guess that will wait until the next post...