3 lunches down. 3rd Forge Tonight.
It's been a crazy few weeks.
Thankfully we have not run out of food.
Students have all been fed.
And not only physically
but spiritually as well.
So many students are hungry-
seeking something greater
than what they've always known.
Some desire to give up 1 semester
to serve as a missionary.
One girl sincerely wanted a Bible.
What a beautiful thing
to place it in her hands
that she may read and
come to know more of this
man named Jesus.
One student spends time with
Muslim students, they listen
to each others beliefs she has
been able to share who Jesus is.
She prays and then they do.
She loves them without motivations.
At the same time praying
that God would save them.
How grateful I am for He who loved us
without condition.
Who loved in the midst of our sinfulness.
He loved us in that lowest point.
He loved us too much to leave us there.
He desired to show His glory & beauty
through our redemption.
Who bore our sins and covered us
with His beauty.
Giving us opportunity to be freed
from shame & guilt.
That we may live in freedom.
May He be glorified.