Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Compassion International

This is Isidoro.
Having the opportunity to be Isidoro's sponsor through Compassion International is one of the greatest joys of my life.
I started sponsoring him in 2006. He was 9.
Here he is this year.
He has Bizzy's birthday and is 3 days older than Michelle.
Isidoro is probably the only person who ever answers my letters. I LOVE getting his letters. He tells me about his family, what he is learning in school, that he got a beautiful new sports uniform, he describes his neighborhood. AND, there is always a picture that he drew me. I hope I can go visit him and meet him in real life someday.
His last letter said, "Siempre estoy orando por usted para que Dios la bendiga y la progeja. Siempre me siento muy contento al saber que siempre cuento con su apollo. Se despide usted esperando tener noticias pronto con mucho amor."
Which is translated, "I pray for you so that God is blessing you and watching over you. I am happy to count on your support. Bye to you now with much love, hoping to hear from you soon. With much love."
I am so blessed to know Isidoro and I pray that God continues to use him to bless his family and city. Maybe when I get to heaven I will see the extent of how our friendship affected my life, his life and the lives of others.

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